So about this wedding~~since this afternoon i got nothing to do so i went to turn on my tv and a peek on it~~it start from 3pm and all i can is crowd~and crowd and crowd~~so i wait and wait anddddd wait~~~than only i got to see the prince and his bride! To be honest!!! When i saw the Prince, all can i notice is~~~~THERE IS A HOLE IN HIS HEAD!!!! OMG!! He is still too so young to have a HOLE in the middle of his head weiii~~~I think this is what happen when you are a prince eh?? Oh and he look much older than his actual age~ but i think this always happen to Caucasian right?? They always look more mature than their actual age~~haha
Proud to be asian~~coz most of us~~look younger than our actual age~~hehe and oh~~Kate Middleton look pretty today~~hehe~~after all today is the biggest day of her life~~hehe
Is just few years different and he look soooooo different
Oh~many of them commented about his hair problem after watching his live wedding show.
thanks to the cameraman for shooting from the CORRECT angel~~hehhe ;P