Friday, April 29, 2011

Prince William Wedding~

Hmm~~dont understand why people get so excited when Prince William getting married. Nothing so special about it also~~the only differences that I notice are~~there are more people attending his wedding~~he cause more jam to the road and more police around~that all~~

So about this wedding~~since this afternoon i got nothing to do so i went to turn on my tv and a peek on it~~it start from 3pm and all i can is crowd~and crowd and crowd~~so i wait and wait anddddd wait~~~than only i got to see the prince and his bride! To be honest!!! When i saw the Prince, all can i notice is~~~~THERE IS A HOLE IN HIS HEAD!!!! OMG!! He is still too so young to have a HOLE in the middle of his head weiii~~~I think this is what happen when you are a prince eh?? Oh and he look much older than his actual age~ but i think this always happen to Caucasian right?? They always look more mature than their actual age~~haha
Proud to be asian~~coz most of us~~look younger than our actual age~~hehe and oh~~Kate Middleton look pretty today~~hehe~~after all today is the biggest day of her life~~hehe

Is just few years different and he look soooooo different

Oh~many of them commented about his hair problem after watching his live wedding show.
thanks to the cameraman for shooting from the CORRECT angel~~hehhe ;P


  1. This whole wedding thing infuriates me. Oops, let me rephrase, the attitude of the audience infuriates me. Anyways yes, what happened to him? He used to look quite handsome. The consequences of not taking care. He looks so unfit these days!

  2. SAME~~too stress mayb?? I heard that he will be the one that going to take over his grandma place~~
